Disparate response of decapods to low pH: a meta-analysis of life history, physiology and behavior traits across life stages and environments


  • Predicted level of ocean acidification is a threat for calcifier marine invertebrates.
  • Decapods, thought debatable, are presumably resilient.
  • Our meta-analysis revealed few impacts that mainly vary across biological traits.
  • Effect sizes little vary depending on the life stages and environments.


We employed a meta-analysis to determine if the presumed resilience of decapods to ocean acidification extends to all biological aspects, environments, and life stages. Most response categories appeared unaffected by acidification. However, certain fitness-related traits (growth, survival, and, to some extent, calcification) were impacted. Acid-base balance and stress response scaled positively with reductions in pH, which maintains homeostasis, possibly at the cost of other processes. Juveniles were the only stage impacted by acidification, which is believed to reduce recruitment. We observed few differences in responses to acidification among decapods inhabiting contrasting environments. Our meta-analysis shows decapods as a group slightly to moderately sensitive to low pH, with impacts on some biological aspects rather than on all specific life stages or habitats. Although extreme pH scenarios may not occur in the open ocean, coastal and estuarine areas might experience lower pH levels in the near to medium future, posing potential challenges for decapods.

Ocampo E. H., Nuñez J. D., Ribeiro P. D., Pérez García M., Bas C. C. & Luppi T. A., 2024. Disparate response of decapods to low pH: a meta-analysis of life history, physiology and behavior traits across life stages and environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 202: 116293. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116293. Article (subscription required).



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