BIOACID Science Portrait: Felix Ekardt (video, in German; English subtitles)

The jurist, philosopher and sociologist Prof. Felix Ekardt is founder and director of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy and external professor for public law and legal philosophy at Rostock University.

As part of BIOACID, Ekardt’s Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy assessed political instruments against ocean acidification and climate change such as the different treaties of international law, the Paris Agreement or regulations for marine conservation as well as human rights.

But apart from legal aspects, it is also crucial to understand how people behave as individuals. A more sustainable lifestyle and economy can only be achieved if society, businesses and politics work in the same direction.

The BIOACID science portraits complement a photo exhibition on ocean acidification is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans.

Further information:

Filmed and edited by
Maarten van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal

Maike Nicolai

Additional Footage
Greenpeace International

BIOACID (via Youtube), 6 December 2017. Video.



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