Ocean Acidification Resources Library

Articles providing a broad overview of what is known about ocean acidification. 

Why do oceans matter for climate change?

General ArticlesMedia coverageResources
Oceans are the planet's greatest carbon sink, absorbing up to 30 per cent of the human-caused greenhouse gas emissions fuelling the climate crisis. Photo of...

An ocean crisis in the making (video & text)

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As the ocean absorbs ever more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the pH level in many of its seawaters is falling. In other words, their...

How carbon emissions acidify our ocean and how IAEA helps in understanding its effects

General ArticlesResourcesWeb sites and blogs
(Graphic: A. Vargas Terrones /IAEA) Ocean acidification is a consequence of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a greenhouse gas driving climate change. The ocean absorbs...

The climate crisis in the polar regions doesn’t stay in the polar regions

General ArticlesWeb sites and blogs
Lilliehook Glacier in Svalbard Bay, in the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. COURTESY HSH PRINCE ALBERT II OF MONACO In 2005, I stood in...

Here’s how the ocean is being harnessed as a climate solution

General ArticlesResourcesWeb sites and blogs
Ocean waves break onto a beach not far from Breidamerkurjokull glacier on Aug. 18, 2021 near Hof, Iceland. Iceland is undergoing a strong impact from...

The 5 biggest threats to West Africa’s oceans – and what to do about them

General ArticlesMedia coverageResourcesWeb sites and blogs
Plastic bottles and other waste are some of the contaminants destroying the oceans. Issouf Sanogo/AFP via Getty Images The natural resources that form ocean ecosystems can...

Woods Hole: What is Ocean Acidification?

General Articlesresourcewebpagewebsite
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when humans began burning coal in large quantities, the world's ocean water has gradually become more acidic. Like...

NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

General Articlesresourcewebpagewebsite
In the 200-plus years since the industrial revolution began, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased due to human actions. During...

IUCN: ocean acidification

General Articlesresourcewebpagewebsite
The oceans have absorbed between 24% and 33% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during the past five decades. While this uptake provides a valuable...

Economic costs of ocean acidification: a look into the impacts on global shellfish production

General Articlesarticleresource
...By performing a partial-equilibrium analysis, we estimate global and regional economic costs of production loss of mollusks due to ocean acidification. Our results show that...

Ten ways states can combat ocean acidification (and why they should)

General Articlesarticleresource
The ocean is becoming more acidic worldwide as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants. This fundamental change is likely to...

Actualización de lo que sabemos sobre la acidificación de los océanos y de los principales retos globales (Spanish)

General Articlesarticleresource
Es asombroso pensar que hace sólo diez años casi nadie había oído hablar de la acidificación del océano. Ahora es mucho más ampliamente comprendido que...

Acidificación: Cmo afecta el CO2 a los océanos? (Spanish)

General Articlesresourcewebsite
"Los océanos no sólo están aumentando de nivel y de temperatura, sino que también se vuelven más ácidos" Resource type: website Resource format: document/pdf Divulga...

Monitoring ocean carbon and ocean acidification

General Articlesresourcewebpagewebsite
Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has increased by 42% since the onset of the industrial revolution due to emissions from fossil fuel burning, cement production...

State of the global climate 2020

General Articlesreportresourcewebpage
In order to unpack such complexity, the WMO State of the Global Climate uses seven Climate Indicators to describe the changing climate providing a broad...

NIWA: Ocean Acidification

General Articlesresourcevideowebpagewebsite
The on-going rise of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is not only changing our climate; it is also changing our oceans. More than a...

Measuring ocean acidification: new technology for a new era of ocean chemistry

General Articlesarticleresource
Human additions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere are creating a cascade of chemical consequences that will eventually extend to the bottom of all the...

An enhanced ocean acidification observing network: from people to technology to data synthesis and information exchange

General Articlesarticleresource
A successful integrated ocean acidification (OA) observing network must include (1) scientists and technicians from a range of disciplines from physics to chemistry to biology...

Royal Society Publishing: Ocean acidification in a geoengineering context

General Articlesarticleresource
Fundamental changes to marine chemistry are occurring because of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Ocean acidity (H+ concentration) and bicarbonate ion concentrations are...

Introduccin a la acidificacion oceanica: lo que es, lo que sabemos y lo que puede suceder (Spanish)

General Articlesarticleresource
Durante los Ultimos 200 años aproximadamente, la quema generalizada de combustibles fúsiles, la deforestación y la producción de cemento han liberado más de 500 mil...



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