Antioxidant responses of the mussel Mytilus coruscus co-exposed to ocean acidification, hypoxia and warming


  • Low pH, low DO and high temperature have adverse effects on the antioxidant parameters.
  • Exposure time of stressors has significant effects on the antioxidant parameters.
  • Combined stressors exert more severe effects on the antioxidant indicators than single ones.


In the present study, the combined effects of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature levels on the antioxidant responses of the mussel Mytilus coruscus were evaluated. Mussels were exposed to two pH (8.1, 7.7-acidification), two DO (6 mg L−1, 2 mg L−1-hypoxia) and two temperature levels (20 °C, 30 °C-warming) for 30 days. SOD, CAT, MDA, GPx, GSH, GST, TAOC, AKP, ACP, GPT, AST levels were measured in the gills of mussels. All tested biochemical parameters were altered by these three environmental stressors. Values for all the test parameters except GSH first increased and then decreased at various experimental treatments during days 15 and 30 as a result of acidification, hypoxia and warming. GSH content always increased with decreased pH, decreased DO and increased temperature. PCA showed a positive correlation among all the measured biochemical indexes. IBR results showed that M. coruscus were adversely affected by reduced pH, low DO and elevated temperature.

Khan F. U., Chen H., Gu H., Wang T., Dupont S., Kong H., Shang Y., Wang X., Lu W., Hu M. & Wang Y., in press. Antioxidant responses of the mussel Mytilus coruscus co-exposed to ocean acidification, hypoxia and warming. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Article (subscription required).



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