Decrease impacts of ocean acidification

By adopting the new national programs for renewable energy and energy efficiency, Algeria is committed to reducing 9% of its global consumption of energy by 2030. These ambitious programs aim to engage thermal insulation of an important housing program, as well as to convert to liquefied petroleum gas one million of light-duty vehicles and more than 20.000 buses.

Algeria, being the largest country in Africa, in the Mediterranean and in the Arab world, has one of the highest solar deposits in the world, estimated to exceed five billion GWh/year. The annual sunshine duration is estimated to be around 2 500 hours on average and could exceed 3 600 hours in some parts of the country.

By 2030, Algeria aspires to the deployment, on a large scale, of photovoltaic and wind power as well as thermal solar energy, and the integration of cogeneration, biomass, and geothermal energy. This program ultimately aims to reach the target of 27% of the electricity produced nationally generated from renewable sources of energy. The action plan of the government aspires also to reduce gas flaring to less than 1%, by 2030.

Like many countries in its region, Algeria is affected by desertification and land degradation. Most of the country is arid or semi- arid. The areas receiving more than 400 mm of rain per year are located in a narrow strip along the coast, not exceeding 150 km large. Moreover, due to climate change, yearly average rainfall declined by more than 30% over the past decades.

Despite these conditions, important programs were launched by public authorities since the seventies. This includes the realization of a great green dam, a forest cover of more than 1200 km long and 20 km large, on average. The implementation of this project constitutes a great achievement and represents a significant carbon sink. Other important projects were also initiated, such the program of pastoral plantation covering thousands of hectares.

Regarding today’s carbon capture target, Algeria aims to accelerate and intensify its National Reforestation Plan with a global objective of reforestation of 1.245.000 hectare by 2030. Main actions in forestry sector concern afforestation, reforestation, and prevention of forest fires as well as improving means to fight them.

Government of Algeria, The Ocean Conference (official website), May 2017. Statement.




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