The integrated impacts of marine acidification, temperature and precipitation changes on bivalve coastal biodiversity and fisheries: how to adapt?

The ACIDBIV project is part of the CIRCLE Med projects, funded by the Regional Ministry of Innovation and Industry of the Galician Government, the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea, and the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, in the framework of Circle ERA Net project (which is funded by the European Commission 6th Framework Programme). The project was submitted to the 1st call of the CIRCLE MED program and was positively evaluated in March 2008. It was subsequently approved by the National Financing Agencies on the following dates:

  • 5th September 2008 – Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Higher Education (FCT), Portugal;
  • 7th October 2008 for the “XUNTA de Galicia – Tecnología Sectorial de Medio Marino e Desenvolvemento Sostibel – MDS, Spain;
  • 29th October 2008 – IMELS, Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea

The present document is the executive summary of the final project report, to be submitted t the Circle-Med steering committee and evaluated before the CIRCLE-MED final conference, on March 22-23 2011. According to the structure defined during the CIRCLE-MED Mid term conference, the final report consists of 3 parts: 1) two pages of summary for stakeholders; 2) an executive summary and 3) the complete report with annexes (including publications and submitted manuscripts). For confidentiality reasons, the full report should be restricted to the Circle-Med steering committee and scientific advisory board, external reviewers and funding agencies. Both summaries will have public access.

ACIDBIV, CIRCLE-MED, Report (pdf on the right banner).



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