Race against time to save Great Barrier Reef from ocean acidification, warns marine expert

Australia has just 20 years to save the Great Barrier Reef from significant damage by ocean acidification, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on marine science has warned.

Dr Charlie Veron, the former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, said the threat of ocean acidification was not being taken seriously.

Dr Veron, regarded as the “grandfather” of coral reef science in Australia, having discovered 20 per cent of the world’s corals, predicted the Great Barrier Reef would suffer severe damage as a result of the process within the next 20 years.

The Courier Mail, 10 June 2010. Full article.

1 Response to “Race against time to save Great Barrier Reef from ocean acidification, warns marine expert”

  1. 1 Bre 3 September 2010 at 19:44

    I am a 8th grade teacher in NC and came across your site while researching some information about the Great Barrier Reef for my earth science class this year. I just wanted to thank you for the great information and articles about the the Great Barrier Reef.

    We would love it if you could write a few articles for us, but I understand if your busy so a link to some of the current articles would be very helpful as well to help us spread trusted resources to other teachers. I have included a link to the site in case you would like to help us out by linking to it, tweeting it, or adding it to your Facebook profile.


    Thanks and keep the great resources coming

    Bre Matthews

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