EPOCA will release a special introductory guide for policy advisers and decision makers, “Ocean Acidification – the facts”

A special introductory guide for policy advisers and decision makers

Release date: 10th December 2009

Copenhagen, December 2009, is when the world will wait to see how we will meet the greatest challenge of our generation – climate change. Copenhagen is where we will also release a ground-breaking new guide to ocean acidification – how the ocean is becoming progressively more acidic due to the carbon dioxide we emit.
With an overall message to dramatically cut our emissions of carbon dioxide the guide places the ocean centre stage. It shows in simple and clear words how our ocean is being driven towards unnaturally more acidic conditions and why this matters. It explains what this means now and in the future for all of us, and what is being done about it. For the first time an easy to understand guide on this most critical of issues will be simultaneously available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese, with global distribution.

Pick up your copy from 10th December onwards from:


The guide is the first product to be prepared by the Ocean Acidification Reference User Group, an initiative of the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA), whose role is to work with leading scientists to rapidly communicate key messages to policy advisers, decision makers and, beyond that, a mass public audience. Production of the guide was sponsored by Natural England and EPOCA by leading scientists and organizations worldwide who freely gave their time and expertise to create this landmark product.

1 Response to “EPOCA will release a special introductory guide for policy advisers and decision makers, “Ocean Acidification – the facts””

  1. 1 M V Bhaskar 28 October 2009 at 03:11

    Increasing the Diatom Algae population of the oceans is perhaps the best solution to Ocean Acidification.

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